
Sunday, June 14, 2009

gravy and cherries

"Happiness is not having what you want, it's wanting what you have."

I was thinking about this quote the other day.  If I am allowed, which I think I am, I would tweak it to say...

CONTENTMENT is not having what you want, it's wanting what you have.

Very simple sentiment with huge ramifications.  Case in point.  I adore my old little house with good bones, UNTIL I look at new houses. Or my wardrobe is adequate and some days, even cute, UNTIL I allow myself to browse for too long at a clothing store.  And I am perfectly happy to hang at the casa and enjoy my time there, UNTIL I begin browsing the internet for vacation getaways...

Those are pretty basic, obvious examples, but what if the "whole grass is always greener" trap strikes closer to home and heart?  Suddenly I hate my job because I am idealizing someone else's.  Or I begin to think my marriage is stale and unexciting, in contrast to what I THINK other's relationships are like?  And the list could go on...

Getting wrapped up in MORE, BETTER and DIFFERENT can be a dangerous path, and we are all but a choice away from finding ourselves in the middle of discontent.  And discontent can lead to desperate, futile, and even destructive behaviors.

So here's what I am discovering as I process this whole deal...

Everything I need for life and godliness was given me the moment I asked Him into my life.  Boom.  It's done.  Whether I tap into it or not.  And all the other trappings of life are simply the cherries on top--things Jesus has added to my life because HE loves me, and not because I necessarily need them.

To put it simply...
THE CROSS WAS ENOUGH and WILL ALWAYS BE.  Everything else is just gravy.  

The grass doesn't get any greener than that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mary g